Bliggety Blogs

Grinding Gourmet! Caribou’s Reindeer Blend

Caribou Coffee’s Reindeer Blend: Life is short. Stay Awake For It!

Stay awake indeed! With a sick three year old and the general lunacy of the holiday season, by the time I had finished the morning’s regularly scheduled smattering of medical specialists and blood draws, I was so ready for this coffee I could barely think of anything else! Luckily, Caribou Coffee had my six with their “cheery and decadent” Reindeer blend!

The Reindeer blend came in a gaily festive 10 oz package with a stitched motif that charmed and delighted. It is a dark Arabica roast for those of you who prefer your coffee bolder and is a meld of Indonesian and Central American beans. This was my first experience with this brand, admittedly, so I was pretty eager to try it on for size and my weary body and sinking energy levels could concur.

Caribou’s dark blend is hand crafted and small batch roasted. It’s kosher, which for me was unimportant, and Rainforest Alliance Certified (very important). Ever since Daddy Maxwell and I have changed over to more eco-friendly, cruelty-free brands, this, as well as whether a brand is Fair Trade Certified are something I’ve keep a sharp eye on. Though Caribou’s coffee is not Fair Trade Certified, I decided that as a gift, I could give this a pass over.

The company recommends brewing this holiday blend with two tablespoons to six ounces of water though if you’re one who has trouble with reflux or GERD symptoms, I would recommend either a little more water or making this as a cold brew instead for less acidity.

From the moment I opened the bag, the heavenly aroma of the ground beans rose up like a tide of happiness. Can I get a ‘woot!’ for raised serotonin levels, anyone? The ground beans smelled dark and nutty, earthy almost. A pine forest after a fresh rain comes to mind. Busying myself while it brewed was the hardest part of the process!

Caribou’s Reindeer blend has a nice, solid taste and while not outwardly striking, it’s discretion is the better part of valor. This brew won’t sock you in the face with it’s flavor like some other coffees but is, instead, just as it’s packaging claims: “perfect for a red-eye flight around the world or sipping by cozy cottage fire”. Being in my granddaddy’s old cabin comes to mind when I sip it’s gentle woodsy flavor. Like aged pine planks in the wintertime.

I won’t say it is a stiff competitor for my favorite Costa Rican blend but it is a good, stable brew that one can enjoy as their daily, trusty and reliable roast. The boldness of it is a bit dark for my tastes on the daily but for a cozy winter snuggle session with my favorite hardback?

10/10 would definitely drink again. Two mittens way, way up.

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